“The world of humanity has two wings—one is women and the other men. Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly. Should one wing remain weak—flight is impossible.”
The majority of our laws recognize the equality of men and women. Only — fact, statistics and experience in the United States clearly contradicts this notion. The pay gap hasn’t closed, men outnumber women dramatically in media, government, and business, and many people encounter the effects of inequality in our homes and personal lives on a daily basis. What’s the missing link? Have we truly connected to the issue of gender equality? Is it a mere code of laws to fulfill, or rather a genuine human truth? The Baha’i Faith identifies gender equality as a prerequisite to world peace. Addressing it is a necessity for the advancement of all of humanity. It demands the participation of men and women.
Together, using words from the Baha’i Writings as well as from contemporary thought, we will explore the spiritual solutions to transforming how our society views, empowers, and engages with women’s rights. We will explore this question: What are the practical implications of spiritual equality for advancing women’s rights?
Join others in exploring the promotion of gender equality
from a new perspective.
Saturday, October 28 at 7pm
Lake Oswego Baha’i Center 16103 SW Lake Forest Blvd. Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Tel: 971-328-0909
* All classes are free and open to all regardless of background or belief.